Friday, August 31, 2012

One million people using Acupuncture-Will that include you?

Today, over one million people use acupuncture each year.  Acupuncture is incorporated into today's health care system for various health conditions.  Dissemination of information amongst health care practitioners, insurance providers, policymakers, and the general public will lead to more informed decisions in regard to the use of acupuncture.  Patients and providers have a responsibility to facilitate this communication.

The National Cancer Institute, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, the National Institute of Dental Research, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the Office of Research on Women's Health of the NIH have evaluated the efficacy of acupuncture in their respective fields and agree it is valuable to conventional medicine.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stay healthy this season Late Summer Earth time

Do you want to stay healthy this season?
It's late summer.  Let's talk about  seasonal changes and how we can transition through them in good health. We are now in late summer and the element is  Earth.   The organs relating to this period are the spleen and the stomach.  It is a time of transitions and adjustments in our lives, physically, mentally and spiritually.  The stomach deals with digestion of food processing and the spleen fights infection, controls blood and fluid and imbalances.This season we are building strength and stores for the winter.  Three things we want to focus on diet, exercise and reduce stress.

We need to eat foods that build, nourish and create energy.  Avoid refined sugar, excess alcohol and acidic foods. Alkaline foods will help prevent infections and build the spleen. Eating foods that are grown locally and from the farmers markets will help eat seasonally.  Berries, pears, apples are great fruits.  Sprouted seeds and beans

Drinking plenty of water and keeping the fluids in our body clear and healthy will also help reduce mucous build up.

Yoga is a great core exercise and a few asanas can get you on the track for balance and centering.  Mountain pose or tadasana, it will strengthen stillness, power and stability.  It is the foundation for all poses.  Yoga can create a personal spiritual connection and the conception of who you really are.  It can create peace within.

The umbilical pulse is an assessment that a Licensed Five Element Acupuncturist can evaluate to check your body's state of balance and energy.  It is part of the initial evaluation on the first visit. Ask your practitioner to assess your core balance.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Keene, New Hampshire Acupuncture

Keene, New Hampshire Acupuncture has a new Acupuncturist!  (603)369-7965

Five Element Acupuncture LLC  and Pamela Bys has just arrived to Keene, NH and excited to start serving the public a garden of healthy choices with her unique style of Acupuncture. We also serve anyone in the surrounding areas.
  Five Element Acupuncture is not just a name but a style of Acupuncture.  It works by getting to the core of the problem not just treating the symptoms.
  Acupuncture was originally started as a preventative medicine and therapy. In the 21st century,  Acupuncture and Oriental medicine is used as individual treatment or Integrative approach in conjunction with western medicine and surgery.
  Pamela Bys is a RN, Master Acupuncturist, Licensed in New Hampshire.  She also is a RN for over 25 years. She complements the 2 medical practices with a holistic approach in her clinic.  Pamela has practiced Nursing and Acupuncture in other countries as well as in Colorado and Utah. 
  We invite all to come for an appointment or to call with any questions.  (693) 369-7965