All states have different requirements about the regulation and laws of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. In the State of New Hampshire Acupuncturists must be licensed and hold national certification from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine(NCCAOM).
Acupuncturists are held to highly regarded and strict standards of practice just like MD's, RN’s and dentists.
The New Hampshire State Board of Acupuncture Licensing (NHBAL) is responsible for the ongoing regulation of licensees in order to protect the public, health, safety and welfare.
Acupuncturists hold a professional Masters Degree and some hold Doctorate degrees. Check with your state or NCCAOM for more information regarding your state.
To contact NH rules and laws on Acupuncture:
The New Hampshire Board of Acupuncture Licensing
Department of Health and Human Services
Licensing and Regulation Services
129 Pleasant Street
Brown Building
Concord, NH 03301-3857
(603) 271-9254